Noe Family Crest

Noe Family On-Line

Christopher and Sarah for Halloween 2001
Chris has a bleeding mask with a heart pump that bled red food coloring and water when squeezed and Sarah dressed as a pumpkin...10/31/01

Baby Sarah with Pierced Ears
Sarah gets her ears pierced at 3 months old! 10/27/01

Sarah playing cards
Chris has gotten his little sister playing cards. 09/01

Sarah playing cards
I love this playing cards with my brother, Chris. 09/01

Sarah taking a bath
Rub a dub dub, Sarah in the tub. 09/01

Sarah Happy
Sarah SOOOOO HAPPY! 09/01

Chris and Mike under cover
Mike and Chris under cover. 09/01

More younger Sarah photos with her big brother, here

Stacy, Michael & Christopher

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